Creative Floral Art Studio 2022
Expand Your Knowledge!
Practice Creative Design Types!
Delve into the Abstract!
Advance your Design expertise. District 8 Judges Council will show you how.
Save the dates for our Creative Floral Art Studio 2022. This two-session program will be held on two Saturdays, September 24th and October 15th, 2022 from 9:00 am–12 noon at Amherst Presbyterian Church located near Erie Community College North Campus.
The Creative Floral Art Studio 2022 classes will focus on Creative Designs, including the Illuminary Design and Abstract Design; two deign types recognized in NGC Flower Shows. Illuminary Designs incorporate light/s as an integral paart of the design. Abstract Design is considered an Advanced Design Type and explores the non-naturalistic realm using natural and otheer mateerials - a very creative study, Indeed!
Containers, supplies, flowers and expert guidance for both sessions will be included for one $75.00 fee. Previous experience with any District VIII Flower Design Workshop is recommended.
Space is limited, so register today!
We look forard to desinging together again!
Contact: Mary Brummer, Chair
(716) 662-2406; E-mail:

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