General Information
Simply click on the link for easy access
Cornell Cooperative Extension – Erie County
21 So. Grove Street, East Aurora, NY 14052,
or E-mail: erie@cornell.edu
Cornell Cooperative Extension – Niagara County
4487 Lake Avenue, Lockport, NY 14094
http://www.cceniagaracounty.org or E-mail: niagara@cornell.edu
Federated Garden Clubs of New York State: http://www.fgcnys.com
National Garden Clubs, Inc: http://www.gardenclub.org
Plant Societies
African Violet & Gesneriad Society of Western New York:
American Bonsai Society: http://www.absbonsai.org
American Hemerocalis Society: http://www.daylilies.org
American Iris Society: http://www.irises.org
American Peony Society: http://www.americanpeonysociety.org
American Rhododendron Society: http://www.rhododendron.org ; e-mail: lauragrant@arsoffice.org
American Rose Society: http://www.ars.org; or e-mail: ars@ars-hq.org
Buffalo Bonsai Society: http://www.buffalobonsaisociety.com/
Canadian Peony Society: http://www.peony.ca
Niagara Frontier Orchid Society: http://www.buffalonyorchids.org
Western New York Hosta Society: http://www.wnyhosta.com
Western New York Iris Society: https://www.aisregion2.org/region2_010.htm
Western New York Rose Society: https://wnyrosesociety.net/
Nature, Conservation & Environmental
Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) http://www.nrdc.org; or e-mail: nrdcinfo@nrdc.org
Nature Conservancy: http://www.nature.org
Nature Sanctuary Society of Western New York: http://www.nsswny.org
Western New York Land Conservancy: http://www.wnylc.org
Fish, Water, Wildlife
Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper: https://bnwaterkeeper.org/
Niagara Frontier Koi & Pond Club: http://www.nfkpc.org
Niagara Frontier Wildlife Habitat Council: http://www.nfwhc.org/index.htm ; e-mail: nfwhc@aol.com

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